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Long-Term RVing: Selecting Pedestals for Extended Stays and Full-Time Living

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If you plan to stay in an RV for an extended period, the most crucial thing you should consider is the selection of pedestals for your RV setup. RV pedestals are essential as they are the sources of electric power, water, and sewer connections. 

Once you start living in your RV for an extended period, you will realize how important the reliability and convenience of your utilities are. This article discusses the fundamental elements to be considered when choosing pedestals for your RV extended stays and full-time living and making your RV experience relaxing and hassle-free.

Electrical Requirements and Stability

The first thing to think about is your RV’s electric requirements. Most RVs use either 30-amp or 50-amp service, so determine if the pedestal has the power you need. Furthermore, make sure the voltage is stable. Voltage fluctuations may harm your RV’s electrical system and appliances, so ensure the pedestal provides a stable voltage.

Water and Sewer Connections

If an RV is going to be used for an extended stay or full-time living, the availability of water and sewer hookups is critical. Search for pedestals connected to clean water supply and working sewerage systems. This will increase your RVing comfort and convenience.

Leveling, Stability, and Weatherproofing

Leveling, stability, and waterproofing are other critical considerations when choosing RV pedestals for an extended stay. Ensure the foundation is stable. Some pedestals are already equipped with leveling systems. 

Because you will stay in one place for an extended period, you should choose pedestals that are waterproof and can endure different weather conditions. Ensure that the weather outside won’t affect your utilities.

Consider Cost, Reviews, and Recommendations

Cost is an important consideration when choosing pedestals for a long-term stay. You should find a balance between quality and affordability and avoid unnecessary luxuries. Find out whether the pedestal price and other utilities are within your budget. 

Before you choose, research the alternatives and read the reviews of RVers in your area. It will give you ideas about the RV pedestal’s durability and reliability, enabling you to make the right decision.

Consider Location and Extra Features Offered

Some pedestals include extra features such as cable TV, Wi-Fi, and washing machines. When choosing your pedestal for an extended stay, determine whether it is necessary to have access to additional features. 

Even though these features aren’t needed, they can improve your comfort. Also, consider the pedestal’s location in the RV park or campground. Some like to place them close to the bathhouse, but others want them to be more secluded and private. Choose a place that suits you.

Long-Term Contracts

If you intend to stay long, look for a long-term contract. Many RV parks and campgrounds offer discounted rates for long-term stays, which can help you save money in the long run.


Considering the factors outlined in this article, you can select RV pedestals that are space-saving, user-friendly, and safe for long-term or permanent living. It doesn’t matter if you plan to stay for one year or choose permanent RV living; you need proper RV pedestals to make your stay easy and stress-free.

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