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How To Start Your Skincare Journey As A Beginner

We will be discussing all the important steps you need to take to start a skincare journey, things you need to avoid, and items that are a must-have. 

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It is never too late, to begin with a skincare regime. If you are someone who has never made any progress with skincare, this is your sign to start today.

In this excerpt below, we will be discussing all the important steps you need to take to start a skincare journey, things you need to avoid, and items that are a must-have.

Skincare Journey

It’s crucial to know that external skincare is not enough, you need to take care of your daily living habits like nutrition and eating habits to have healthy skin. If you are a skincare novice who never had any experience in understanding what products you should use and when then keep reading.

1. Get Your Skin Professionally Tested

If by now, all you have used is a drugstore store wash and moisturizing cream for everything, then you shouldn’t just read this excerpt and buy everything. You will need a professional, most likely a skin specialist, to check your skin and give you a full analysis of the type of skin.

Yes, it is important that you do not make any mistakes while buying the products. Even if you have a perfect skincare routine every day, twice a day, and yet you either see no difference in your condition or see it worse-

You are using the wrong products!

Suppose you have a dry product. You have to stay away from ingredients like salicylic acid, which can totally dry out your skin. On the other hand, oily skin shouldn’t use any milk-based product.

2. Understand The Kind Of Product

Now, you have to understand the kinds of products which we generally use in a normal skincare routine. Yes, they are different based on the purpose. Did you know that there is a difference between cleanser and face wash? Here is a guide for you –

  • Cleanser: For deep cleaning your makeup.
  • Face Wash: For deep cleaning of your pores.
  • Scrub: To exfoliate your dead skin.
  • Massaging Cream: To massage and increase blood circulation in the body.
  • Toner: To close your pores after all the washing.
  • Serum: For skin hydration.
  • Face cream: For moisturization.
  • Sunscreen: Every time you are going outside, the sun is up.
  • Eye cream: For hydration underneath the eye.

You can get these products from the top-tier skin care in UAE.

3. Build A Habit Slowly

If you are someone who has never had skincare, it will take some time for you to build this habit. Like any other habit, the skincare routine also takes some time to incorporate. Yes, it is relaxing, but at times when you are tired and return home, you will not want to go on with a five-step skincare routine.

That is why it doesn’t have to be five steps now. Just start small, and cover three steps of cleaning your makeup, cleansing your face, and then putting a night cream on. Slowly when you completely get into the habit, you can add more products.

4. Do Not Use Too Many Products

Talking about adding products, just because we gave you a basic idea of the products in normal skincare doesn’t automatically mean you have to use all of them. Do not buy all of them now!

Learn a little more about the skincare regime and the whole industry. Soon you will understand that not all products are suited for your skin. Some are restricted to age and even skin type. For example, someone with acne-prone skin cannot use all kinds of serum.

5. It Is Not Just About External Skincare

Your skincare doesn’t restrict to external care only; there are other factors adding to healthy skin as well. Some of these factors are –

– Having a good amount of water every day. Water is like a neutral detox to our body,

– Add more antioxidants to your diet, which also have more detoxifying properties.

– Take care of your gut if you want to have healthy-looking skin, so you can add proactive to your diet to keep a healthy intestine.

Start Today!

Now that you have a fair idea of how to start from the basics, you shouldn’t wait to incorporate this good habit.

Get a doctor’s appointment today itself and get your skin checked. You will get to know more about your own skin.

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