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What Causes Excessive Ear Wax?

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Ear wax, also called cerumen, is a white-yellow-brown substance that is produced by the glands in the ear canal. This wax helps in the maintenance of the internal temperature of the ear and also has anti-microbial properties.

The release of the ear wax in glands is balanced by its natural excretion through the ear. However, excessive wax is produced under certain conditions and it is hard to be removed.

Consequently, the excessive wax blocks the ear and impairs hearing. Therefore, let us talk about what causes excessive ear wax and how can you get rid of it in this article.

Part 1: Symptoms of Excessive Ear Wax

Before knowing what you can call “excessive ear wax”, let us help you know what is normal ear wax production. Normal ear wax is produced in an adequate quantity to lubricate the ear and protect it from foreign bodies, microbes, hot/cold air, and dust.

This adequate quantity of wax is removed from the ear by movements of the muscles during mastication and speaking. However, several factors can cause excessive wax to be produced which is hard to be cleared by the ear.

Under such circumstances, a person experiences the following signs and symptoms.

  • Heaviness: Excess wax in the ear gives a feeling of heaviness around your ear and temples.
  • Blockage: As the excess wax can become impacted, it blocks the ear and the patient cannot hear properly.
  • Tinnitus or Vertigo: The inner ear plays a role in maintaining the balance of the body. When excessive wax comes in contact with the inner ear, it causes dizziness, ringing sounds, and loss of balance.
  • Irritation: The contact of ear wax with the skin, especially if it is dry, causes itching, discomfort, and irritation in the ear.
  • Pain: You might experience pain in the ear because of hard and impacted wax.
  • Discharge: If bacteria or other microbes gain entry into the ear because of excess wax, an infectious discharge can occur.
  • Associated Features: Our ear is in contact with the nose and throat. Therefore, excess wax can cause symptoms including cough, flu, and fever.

Part 2: What Causes Excessive Ear Wax

As not everyone produces excessive ear wax, here are the conditions predisposing you to unwanted and excessive ear wax. It can result from both increased production or decreased excretion.


Genetics determine the activity of the wax-producing glands in the ear. Therefore, some people normally produce more wax than others. For example, people who belong to Asian ethnicity have more wax in their ears.


The texture of wax changes with age as wax becomes dry as the person ages. This makes older people have more wax because dry wax is hard to remove by the ear itself.

Additionally, the ear canals of younger individuals are small, and even a small quantity of wax gives the ear a feeling of fullness.

Skin Conditions:

Skin infections like hidradenitis suppurativa, inflammatory conditions like eczema, and allergic conditions like dermatitis all increase ear wax production.


Hair in the ear traps the ear wax and reduces its clearance from the ear canal. Therefore, people with dense hair in their ears are likely to have excessive ear wax.


In addition to the production of wax from the glands, sweat glands also contribute to the quantity of the wax. In summer, increased sweating increases the volume of the wax.

Anatomy of Ear Canal:

People with small ear canals or any anatomical abnormality that obstructs the outflow of wax from the ear like a tumor also have excessive ear wax.

Wearing Hearing Aid or Ear Buds:

If you wear any foreign body in the ear like earbuds, handsfree, or hearing aids, the wax is pushed deeper into the ear canal. This makes the removal of the wax difficult. New wax is produced and it causes a buildup in the ear.

Using Q-Tips Frequently:

Just like foreign bodies, Q-tips also push the wax into the ear. Therefore, using a cotton bud is the worst way to get rid of excessive ear wax.

Part 3: How to Get Rid of Excessive Ear Wax?

At Bebird, we aim to help people clean their ears without spending too much money on an ENT clinic or compromising their health at home. So, here are the methods to get rid of ear wax at home.

At-Home Ear Wax Camera

The simplest option to get rid of excessive ear wax or wax buildup at home is using Bebird Note5 Pro Ear Wax Removal Tool Camera.

For this, take the following steps to get rid of excessive ear wax at home.

  • First of all, download the Bebird app by scanning the code given on the package.
  • Use WiFi to connect the Bebird device to your mobile phone.
  • Check out the movements of the ear camera by pressing the button.
  • Put the silicon spoon on the head of the ear camera.
  • Insert the device into your ear, look through the camera on your phone, and scoop out the excessive ear wax.

Home Remedies

While using an ear camera is the safest option to remove ear wax, here are some home remedies for you as well.

  • Use hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide drops to soften the wax
  • Use an ear irrigation needle or bulb to create water pressure in the ear and remove the wax with this pressure
  • Soften the impacted ear wax with mineral oil, glycerine, or baby oil

Go for Professional Help

Home remedies might not prove to be effective for people with stubborn wax or underlying health conditions like ear infections. Similarly, some people prefer getting professional help.

At an ENT clinic, the doctor treats you with the help of an otoscope similar to a Bebird ear camera.

Part 4: FAQs

Can Excessive Ear Wax Cause Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a buzzing or ringing sound in the ears and ear wax buildup can cause tinnitus. Excessive ear wax causes a blockage in the ear and the blockage puts pressure on simulating nerves in the ear.

Consequently, the patient experiences tinnitus.

Can Excessive Ear Wax Cause Vertigo?

Vertigo in layman’s language is dizziness. Our ears, especially the inner ear control the balance and sensation of the surroundings. When excessive wax is impacted in the ear, a person feels like the flour and his surroundings are spinning because the inner ear does not work properly.


Excessive ear wax can hinder your routine activities by giving you ear pain, tinnitus, vertigo, heaviness, and blockage in the ear. Therefore, it is essential to keep your ears clean if you have any condition discussed earlier that can lead to excessive ear wax production.

Furthermore, if you suffer from ear wax buildup quite often, contact a doctor and go for treatment of your condition.

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