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How to Prevent and treat Gum Disease

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Periodontal disease can be avoided with proper home care and periodic visits to a periodontist. Most people are unaware that anything is wrong with their gums because it is typically painless, and they think straight teeth and a bright smile are their mouth health.

When it comes to the health of your mouth, Your gums are an essential concern. Two types of gum disorders, Gingivitis, and periodontitis can be avoided by taking good care of your gums and establishing healthy dental hygiene practices.

If there is no bacterial plaque on the teeth, gum inflammation won’t cause periodontitis. The main measures to avoid periodontitis include: maintaining consistent good oral hygiene at home, regular tartar removal in the dental office, and addressing risk factors (including smoking and a bad diet). Click here to seek guidance from a Renowned Doctor in Dubai.

Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease

Gum disease doesn’t usually have obvious signs and symptoms; taking preventative measures is critical. Additionally, periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease, might develop. The bones that hold your teeth in place are affected by periodontitis. Left untreated, it can harm the tissues, bones, and gums that support your teeth. The American Dental Association (ADA) lists the following indications that you may have gum disease:

  • Continuously unpleasant taste or odor
  • Swelling, redness, or tenderness of the gums
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Loose or separate permanent teeth leader to depleting facial and dental proportions.
  • Gums that are no longer attached to your teeth

Treatment for Periodontitis

The good news is that it is easily avoidable if you follow a few easy steps.

Floss: Floss at least once a day. This helps remove the plaque and food that’s beyond your toothbrush’s reach. Get Regular dental cleanings.
Professional cleaning is the only way to remove tartar. If you have gingivitis, brushing, flossing, and regular dental cleanings can help reverse it.

Stop smoking: Smoking depletes your immune system, making it more difficult to fight off a gum infection. Additionally, smoking makes it more difficult for your damaged gums to recover.

Twice daily brush: After every meal, brush your teeth and tongue because they may contain bacteria—this aids in removing plaque and food particles stuck between your teeth and gums.

Use fluoride toothpaste: Make sure you use fluoride-containing toothpaste that bears the ADA seal of approval. The flavor and color are then entirely up to you!

Use a healing mouthwash: Therapeutic mouthwashes can help reduce plaque, prevent or treat gingivitis, slow the rate at which tartar forms, or combine these advantages.


Don’t panic if you have gum disease; with a course of antibiotics, it can typically be treated and quickly cured. Visit your dentist often as you treat your gum disease so they can examine your dental health and take action to stop the infection from spreading.

Follow the above advice to prevent gum disease if you want to keep your smile looking great for years to come. Regularly brush your teeth, floss between them, and visit the dentist for checkups.

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