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What’s the best type of orange juice and why?

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Nowadays there are different options to choose from when it comes to drinking orange juice. If you’re not sure which is the best option at the moment, we’re here to help you.

The aim of this post is to show you the different options you have at your disposal and order them from best to worst. This way you can be sure you’re drinking the orange juice you’re really interested in.

Freshly squeezed orange juice

Without a doubt, this is the best option we can opt for. Freshly squeezed orange juice will allow us to enjoy all the benefits of orange juice and its maximum flavor.

Of course, you should know that to get the most out of it, it’s very important to drink it as soon as possible. Do not make the mistake of squeezing it and leaving it for later or part of its properties will be gone.

Although this option is presented as the best alternative, we must remember that we have to go to the trouble of buying the oranges and then squeezing them. That makes many people choose other options, like the ones we’re about to show you.

NFC orange juice

We can say that it is the best option if you can’t have freshly squeezed orange juice. This is because NFC juice is extracted directly from the fruit and this ensures the preservation of all its properties.

The team of specialists of Zuvamesa, factory and distributor of NFC orange juice, confirms that this type of juice allows anyone to enjoy a great orange juice, with the advantage of not having to squeeze it at home. As you well know, nowadays we have less and less time for this kind of activities, for that reason, more and more people are joining the NFC juice trend. Not only for convenience, but also for the great amount of properties it offers.

When we enjoy a quality NFC juice, we are really enjoying a juice made from top quality oranges. That helps to make the experience even more pleasurable. Everyone who tries it is completely satisfied, proving that it really is a great alternative to freshly squeezed juice.

It is important to know that NFC juice does not have to be treated. To give you an idea, we are talking about a juice that is only pasteurized to ensure that it does not go bad during transport. But this pasteurization does not detract from the juice’s properties or flavor, which is why it is becoming more and more fashionable.

One thing we would like to point out about this variety of juice is that many people call it direct juice. This name is used to make it simpler. Sometimes the word NFC can be difficult to pronounce. But regardless of the name we give it, we have to be sure that the juice will offer us all the properties of the oranges.

Juice from concentrate

This is another well-known option, but we place it in third place because in our opinion it is the least interesting option to choose. This is because the juice will have to go through a large number of stages until the final result is achieved. As you can imagine, all these phases cause part of its properties to be lost along the way, which is why it is not as interesting an option as the previous two.

For many people, concentrated orange juice cannot be considered a natural juice. This is because it has a large number of processing steps, which result in a significant loss of the juice’s properties. This is why the NFC option is increasingly in demand, both in terms of taste and properties.

To make the concentrated juice, the first step is to squeeze the oranges. Once the juice is obtained, the flavor substances, essences and oils are removed. The objective is to leave the liquid as thin as possible so that its handling is as simple as possible. Subsequently, the juice is centrifuged to eliminate the water remaining in the juice. At the end of the phase, only 1/7 of all the juice extracted is obtained. In other words, large quantities are needed to reach the concentrated juice stage.

Now is the time to add the things that were removed to give it flavor and some properties. But despite the last additions, we can conclude that the quality of the juice is not even close to the initial one. Along the way, not only properties are lost, but also a lot of flavor, which is why it is losing a lot of prominence.

I don’t want to make orange juice at home, which option should I choose?

There are many people who don’t have the time or the desire to squeeze oranges at home. If you are one of those people, you should know that NFC juice is the best option for you right now.

As we have seen throughout this article, the NFC variety only has to go through the pasteurization phase, which means that it retains all its properties and flavor. Juice from concentrate, on the other hand, has to go through many stages. All these phases weaken the quality of the juice, which is why it is not an interesting option.

Undoubtedly, if you want to enjoy a good experience or want to offer the best to your children, it is best to opt for freshly squeezed juice. And if you can’t make it, the best option for you without a doubt is NFC juice. Not only you will like it, but also the rest of the family, so you will come back for more.

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