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How Much Does Bariatric Surgery Cost on Average

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Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, is a helpful medical procedure for individuals who are severely overweight or obese and struggling to lose weight.

Obesity is a significant health problem in the United States, with more than 40 percent of adults suffering from it and more than 9 percent experiencing severe obesity. Health issues such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain cancers may result from this.

Bariatric surgery can be an effective treatment for obesity and can help individuals achieve a healthier weight and improve their overall health. The surgery can result in significant weight loss. According to the ASMBS, participants can lose an average of 28.4 percent of their body weight after this surgery

While the benefits of bariatric surgery are clear, it can also be quite costly. In this article, we will explore the average cost of bariatric surgery and the factors that can affect the cost.

What Is Bariatric Surgery?

According to Mayo Clinic, bariatric surgery is a group of surgical procedures that are used to treat obesity. During these procedures, the stomach is reduced in size or the digestion process is altered.

Bariatric surgery is commonly performed in the following ways:

  • Gastric bypass surgery
  • Sleeve gastrectomy
  • Adjustable gastric banding
  • Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch

The type of surgery that is best for a particular individual will depend on their specific circumstances and health needs.

The Cost of The Surgery

If you’re considering bariatric surgery, one of the most pressing questions you may have is, how much does bariatric surgery cost?

Various factors contribute to the cost of bariatric surgery, as we’ve discussed above. According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), the average cost of bariatric surgery in the United States is typically in the range of $20,000 to $25,000. However, it’s important to note that the actual cost can vary, depending on a number of factors.

These include the following:

Procedure Type

One factor is the type of procedure, with gastric bypass surgery generally being more expensive than gastric banding surgery. Additionally, the cost can be influenced by geographic location, with procedures in urban areas being generally more expensive than in rural areas. The type of facility where the surgery is performed, such as hospitals versus outpatient surgery centers, can also impact the cost.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage is another critical factor as the cost of bariatric surgery can be greatly reduced if the procedure is covered by health insurance. However, insurance coverage can vary widely depending on the insurance company and policy.

Pre and Post-Surgery Care

The cost of bariatric surgery may also include pre-and post-surgery care, such as medical consultations, lab tests, and follow-up visits, and the fees charged by the surgeon who performs the procedure.

It is essential to note that the cost of bariatric surgery may not include all of the expenses associated with the procedure, such as follow-up care and dietary supplements. Therefore, it is important to discuss potential costs with a healthcare provider and an insurance provider to ensure that all relevant expenses are understood.

How to Finance Bariatric Surgery

There are several financing options available for those unable to pay out of pocket for bariatric surgery. Some people choose to take out loans or use credit cards to pay for the procedure. Others may seek out payment plans or financing options through the surgery center or their health insurance company.

Another option for financing bariatric surgery is to apply for a medical loan. These loans are usually unsecured personal loans that can be used to cover the costs of medical treatment. This can increase the safety of the loan in the event that you are unable to repay it, as the lenders are unable to seize any assets from you, such as your car.

Another advantage of medical loans is that they often come with lower interest rates compared to other financing options such as credit cards or other types of loans. This can make them a more affordable option for individuals seeking to manage the costs of their medical care.

In conclusion, while bariatric surgery can be a life-changing procedure for individuals who struggle with obesity, it is important to consider the potential cost involved.

Before deciding to undergo bariatric surgery, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and have a detailed discussion with your doctor and insurance provider to gain a comprehensive understanding of the potential costs and benefits associated with the surgery.

Remember that the most important thing is to prioritize your health and well-being, and there are many resources available to help make bariatric surgery a viable option for those who need it.

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