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A Buyer’s Guide To Choosing Between Leather And Fabric Sectionals

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There is nothing sweet like diving into a comfy sectional or sofa to relax, watch a favorite show, read a book, or chat with friends and family. You can reach the ultimate in your relaxation by selecting a sectional or motion sofa that provides lumbar support, power adjustable headrests, or power footrest.

Regardless of your chosen activities, you have multiple options, including fabric and leather sectionals. There is a distinction between these two materials that people tend to confuse

In this article, I will dive into details about the difference between leather and fabric. Here is a buyer’s guide to choosing between leather and fabric sectionals.

Choosing Between Leather And Fabric Sectionals

The Comfort Of Leather Vs. Fabric Sectionals

The feel of fabric sectionals differs depending on the type of fabric and support system, like frame and cushions. However, fabric sectionals, in general, are more comfortable than leather sectionals for numerous reasons.

Fabric is an overall warmer and softer material than leather. Like in leather car seats, leather sectionals can feel sticky and hot during summer and extremely cold during winter. The leather feels firmer than the fabric.

Compared to a leather sectional, a fabric sectional comes already “broken in,” though you have to be careful with this. Choose a soft fabric but not too soft. The fabric should keep its shape and not sag or wrinkle when you get up.

Care For Leather Vs. Fabric Sectionals

The tear and wear of fabric sectionals depend on the grade of the fabric. As you would expect, the high-quality fabric can withstand wear better, just like high-quality leather.

Most fabric sectionals feature a stain-resistant finish, so in case of spills, you can clean them with hand-held steamers or specialty products. Compared to leather, the fabric is not scratched, so it can handle kids’ homework binders and pet claws.

Color And Pattern Options

Although leather has a variety of colors, the fabric is virtually unlimited in texture, color, and pattern. This element allows fabric sectionals to match existing decor and get your desired look.

This is an incredible opportunity to show your family’s style. You can choose a sectional with a fun and bright fabric to attract attention or a calm neutral color to fill the room with art or decorative elements.

Durability Of Leather Vs. Fabric Sectionals

A sectional is a significant investment in your home’s interior style, so you need to get as much fun and enjoyment as possible from it. It should be hard-wearing and simple to maintain, so you get to see the good looks you liked in the first place.

Naturally, leather is more durable than fabric and can last five years longer. Leather is easy to clean with a quick swipe, while leather comes with stain-repellent finishings.


A sectional is vital in any modern home because it brings style and elegance. It can be hard to select between a leather and a fabric sectional because they have numerous benefits. Use the above guide to understand the distinction between the two materials.

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