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What is the black winter truffle and where can I find it?

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The black winter truffle is one of the most beloved varieties of truffles: the Tuber melanosporum Vitt.

In Spain, what is considered the capital of the black winter truffle is the region of Gúdar-Javalambre, more specifically Sarrión, one of the key points for black truffle harvesting.

The team of professionals specialized in the collection and sale of black truffles in Spain one of the most beloved firms by the users in this segment, explains everything you need to know about this highly appreciated delicacy and where it is possible to find it.

The black winter truffle: a haute cuisine product with unparalleled properties

Tuber melanosporum Vitt. is one of the types of truffles most appreciated by chefs all over the world, due to the unique properties that this type of truffle treasures.

In terms of aroma and flavor, it is one of the most beloved products because it treasures a very particular intensity, light years away from that offered by other types of truffles such as those from China, inferior in terms of qualities, but also recommended for those who prefer to invest less in this type of product.

But for those who want only the best in their dishes, opting for the black winter truffle is almost obligatory, as it is still a product with extraordinary aromatic and flavor qualities that no other truffle variety has been able to match.

“It is fair to say that Tuber melanosporum Vitt. is the most coveted type of truffle precisely because of those qualities that it brings together: in terms of aroma and flavor, its intensity and its peculiar notes that are palatable in the mouth make its consumption a delicacy, elevating the experience of diners who have the opportunity to enjoy the black winter truffle in its many forms,” says the team at Trufalia, one of the best rated black truffle sales platforms by those who have had the opportunity to purchase black truffle in its many formats through its online store.

Its black interior is its main differentiating feature, and for the most knowledgeable, it is also possible to distinguish the Tuber melanosporum Vitt. from other truffle varieties through its aroma and flavor.

In Spain, Tuber melanosporum Vitt. grows predominantly in Sarrión, in the region of Gúdar-Javalambre.

It is considered the capital of the black truffle and is where Trufalia operates, having first-hand access to the areas where this truffle variety is grown.

“Times change, and the bush does not always behave in the same way,” explain the Trufalia experts. “For this reason, many areas where it was once common to find wild black winter truffles now no longer yield truffles, which has made it necessary to resort to cultivation to continue having access to this type of product”, they point out.

As Trufalia points out, the black winter truffle from cultivation has no differences in terms of quality, aroma, and flavor compared to those grown in the wild. “Tuber melanosporum Vitt. do not live by themselves, but need the coexistence of a plant to appear and proliferate.

This symbiotic relationship between the fungus and the plant results in a natural product of extraordinary quality, and normally it has always been oak, holm oak, hazelnut, and kermes oak trees under which specimens of this variety have grown,” they comment.

But, since the wild appearance of black truffles has been declining and the demand for this product has continued its upward trend in recent years, a solution has been chosen to ensure successive consignments of black truffles without this monitoring influencing the final quality of the product.

“The growth process of a cultivated truffle and a wild truffle is the same, which is why the final result is not altered,” say the experts. “At the moment the fungus and the plant create mycorrhizae – the union of roots that allow tree and fungus to mutually benefit each other for their growth – the black truffle begins to gestate.

Over time, the fungus matures and acquires a dark tone, indicating that it has reached its peak of maturity and this is the ideal moment for its harvesting through trained dogs, which can detect them through their smell and allow each truffle specimen to be extracted from the ground”, Trufalia points out.

All in all, it is a very traditional process, maintaining the procedures of yesteryear and ensuring that the black winter truffle keeps all its essence, both in the growing and harvesting process and in terms of properties and possibilities of being enjoyed.

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