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5 Important topics to master while studying for your mat Pilates certifications

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Pilates is considered to be a great mind-body exercise that helps improve core stability, strength, and flexibility. While doing Pilates, you are able to concentrate your attention on specific muscle control and your posture while also making your breathing as regulated as it should be. 

Becoming a certified Pilate instructor is no mean feat. Whether you want the knowledge for a career shift or an addition to your knowledge portfolio, this certification comes with a hefty course price and messianic sacrifice. Coupling that with the short allocated course time, further compounds the problem. This may leave you asking if the course is worth the investment.

A Pilate course is worth it, especially when considering the financial and wellness benefits. So, how can you balance the challenges and the benefits of studying Pilates? Are there practical ways of mastering the content? Yes, there are. With guidance, you can master the crucial topics, which help you focus all your energy on essential areas. 

Here are some pointers to help you grasp the critical topics and principles for successful mat Pilates certifications.

Master the different exercises and moves

Pilates is a unique exercise plan. Unlike other exercises, it’s a bit slower and has coordinated and specific moves. Pilates’ main aim is body strengthening for fitness and well-being.

The moves are pretty similar whether you are a beginner or looking to advance your skills. 

Mastering each move is crucial for successful training and certification. Even though the movements seem not to change much, their effects supersede the face value. It is critical to know each move, reason, and how to do it perfectly.

Some of these moves include;

  • Ball rolling massages the lower back and abdomen
  • Circular leg movement for strong hips and stable core
  • Roll-up aimed at stretching the spine
  • The hundred breathe count for stronger lungs

After mastering each move, you can enhance them by tweaking a few movements, but the targeted body part remains.

Understand each body muscle and its role

Pilates’ uniqueness is its muscle targeting specificity. If you need that mat Pilates certification, you need to understand the working of each muscle and how Pilates strengthens or improves it. 

Although many consider Pilates as ‘small and minimal’ moves, the impact is significant. For this reason, you need to understand each exercise has its target muscles and desired outcome. 

Some of the muscles and parts targeted include;

  • Transverse Abs. (The most used muscles in Pilates exercises improve the spine and core if well-targeted. The practice helps in attaining the proper posture and maintaining a good balance.
  • Glute muscles. (the largest muscles in the body). This means they have a prominent role. They help in daily activities such as sitting, running and standing. Pilates helps in toning, lifting, and exercising the glutes
  • The mid and lower back muscles. These are three muscles that aid in forward-leaning. Pilate exercises help prevent back injury, spine protection, and an upright posture
  • Shoulders. They help in working your core. The exercises herein help in maintaining an upright posture

The nutrition requirements for perfect results

Body fitness needs a well-thought-out diet and nutrition, and Pilates is no exception. Nutrition plays a massive role in any individual’s program. Pilates is not a stand-alone workout and needs a combination with good food. Eating right helps fuel your exercises, but it should be moderated, especially before a workout.

As a to-be-certified instructor, you should understand the role of diet and nutrition in Pilates. The diet varies depending on the daily routine and health, but the bottom line is similar. It should be of the right amount and contain all essential nutrients. 

The general rule to follow entails;

  • Have fruits, vitamins, and minerals
  • Keep your body hydrated
  • Incorporate whole grains into the diet
  • Moderate proteins
  • A power-packed but simple snack after any Pilate exercise

The snack should contain carbs, proteins, and considerable amounts of fats in refueling your energy. All these facts need to be at your fingertip before taking that certification. A certified instructor needs to advise their trainees on proper nutrition, and you can’t recommend a diet if you do not know the body’s nutritional requirements.

Know the benefits of Pilates

A complete Pilate course will have you enumerate its benefits. It’s a crucial part if you have to get the certification. This is so because; you cannot engage in an exercise that you do not know its benefits to you or your trainees. 

Pilate offers you the following benefits;

  • Giving you a flat belly because it concentrates on core strengthening
  • Toning muscles that are otherwise not used daily. Muscle toning is good for the old who lose it due to inactivity
  • Proper posture. Pilates exercises generally help in having an upright posture. In particular, it helps solve back problems, pains
  • Well-being and stress reliever. The exercises help individuals feel whole through the mind and body connection
  • Improved flexibility. As individuals age, they lose flexibility, but there is a chance of restoration and improvement with Pilates.

The flip side is also proper, as Pilates has a few cons. However, the long-run benefits outweigh these disadvantages, thus making Pilates worth pursuing.

Understand the different Pilate types and equipment needed

A beginner may need a mat when starting and keep advancing as time goes by. You need to know all the required equipment or improvise mechanisms when studying. It would be best to differentiate between the mat and reformer Pilates.

Typically, one can start with a simple mat. The reformer Pilate uses a machine that helps you slide through it. Both work on the principle of creating resistance with your muscles. Generally, all the devices allow you to stretch, target, and tone muscles.

Other equipment you may need to know are; 

  • Cadillac that helps in stretching
  • Magic circle
  • High chair
  • Spine corrector
  • The Wonda

Bottom Line 

When studying for Pilates, you might be overwhelmed by the requirements. However, you can ease the burden by mastering the above topics as skillfully as possible. Further, you can incorporate other closely related issues to get a different perspective of the Pilate course. But since you now have a guide on the essential topics, you can go out and confidently tackle the test—all the best in your mat Pilates certification.

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